Have you ever felt like rushing all the time? You simply just can't stop thinking about work. You keep planning on things which haven't happened. You try to figure out the answers that cannot even be found. Those feelings of anxiety has started to creep out my mind & soul because of overloaded work.
To the point that I had to see a therapist with a prescribed medicine. Working hard always pays off, that's right. However, it also comes with a price you don't want too. The side-effect of a workaholic is real.
The feeling of rushing to do stuff. To plan things in advanced doesn't get you to nowhere. I have felt that fast heart beating for a while, but little did I know it was an anxiety attack. I thought it was because of the tension (yes it's one of the causes), but it has kept happening almost every single day. I feel like I can't breath properly, and have a really short breath. It's been like that until I have lost control of the situation. It was worse than nowadays because no matter what I did, I just couldn't seem to cope with how my body functioned.
It's not just about the body, but my mind also f*** up. I seemed to get stressed very easily, even just a small things when things didn't go along the plan. My life at home was somehow changing, also how I was working also swiftly changed to become a perfectionist person. It's not what I wanted. I've become a very agitated person (even a small things in daily life)...The feelings of worry literally drains my energy...
Since when I became this type of person? I've spent time thinking it thoroughly and finally figured out the answer. It was how I have worked as a digital marketing for these 3 years. My job is to analyse the Facebook advertising, check the social platform's admin teams, and literally think about the marketing activity. It was fun, though don't get me wrong. I have grown so much in my career and I can eventually call myself a digital consultant. However, it's literally taken a toll on me. Because of the 'rush' to make everything perfect. It's not about a job, but more like how I dealt with people in the team. The more clients, the more details with lots of request. Too much of the communication is not good, especially when people know no boundaries of contact. After 10 pm, still calling or texting, I think it's overboard. Believe it or not, the situation I mention here has happened to me since the 1st step of the career. No holiday, just have to constantly check the phone because if the sales go down, I have to think critically about how to get the money back. You know online marketing is all about money money money, right? Especially, if you are a brand whose products are to be sold.
Does Therapist Help?
Well, it does but the most important is 'the voice in your head' If you can shut it up, you can live free. I met 2 therapists before, and both if them were amazing. They pretty much trying to dig deep inside my minds and mainly let my emotion out. It's all about my 'mindset' in order to change the circumstance. I have had to break the pattern. You know my body and brain kinda gets used to how I work daily, and I have to break it. Live slower and think less. Honestly, I have been watching many Youtube videos regarding "How not to take life so seriously'' and it works! I have had brainwashing myself in order to take that slow pace, and believe it or not, I feel grateful for those Youtubers who talk about it.
Just be happy and don't think much. If things don't go along the plan, then just fuck it. No one is perfect, so you don't have to be one. 80% good 20% meh and it's totally fine. No need to think about plan A, plan B or whatever just be in the moment. Of course you have to think about the future, but believer me so far if you're in the right track, just breath and keep going in your own pace :)
No need to rush and no need to care about what others think. You deserve to be happy :)