I LOVE WRITING MOTIVATION POSTS, AND I ALSO LOVE WRITING HOW THE REALITY OF FASHION INDUSTRY IS. I called myself as a 'fashion blogger' based in Manchester, but I don't know if you notice that I have started to use the word 'personal style blogger' for a while. I have realized that I only publish my #ootd with the contents about life and inspiring stuff...I love motivating other people, and I am not scared of being judged about what I have written. There always be people who agree and disagree, but hey this blogosphere is mine, and what's the point of being like others? I have found my voice, and I am happy every time when people say "you have inspired me a lot, Gail"

That's right, I always say pessimistic is a bitch, and I hate it. I have read a lot of books, especially those self-improvement books, and positive quotes because I love the way how I can see myself changing my attitude to become the whole new person. A lot of authors, whom I call as my mentors have taught me several things. I have become more open-minded person, while keeping my guard up all the time. That's the reason why I do not care about comparing myself to the others as stated in a previous post. Life is too short for this negative thing.
The reason why I LOVE writing inspiring blog posts is because I want to inspire people. I know it is easy to say, but I just love the fact that these inspiring words can uplift the mood, and change us to see the world, and this society in a different perspective. Based on my experience, I have gone through the obstacles in this blogging industry a lot, yet I am a fighter, and the word 'give up' doesn't exist in my head.
I have read a lot of blogs writing about haul, how to mix&match, etc, but I am not gonna lie that I also love reading peoples' thoughts and opinions about certain areas too. Sometimes, I wish we could talk in person, so that we could discuss a lot of things in our minds. I know how it feels to have no one to talk to, like from heart to heart. I know how it feels to feel like having nothing to lose, and I know how it feels to feel like giving up. I have been there, so you're not alone.
That's why I want to send out these positive messages to everyone out there. We all can accomplish what we want, WE ARE CAPABLE OF EVERYTHING.

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